Art Lesson: Faces of Emotion

This is a lesson I taught with my youngest class, ages 6-8 years old.

I asked to have a volunteer come to the front of the classroom and express an emotion (such as surprised, angry, sad, etc.) The students had to guess which emotion they were making and I would then draw a picture of their face at the front of the class.


I then passed out mirrors which I had bought at the "Library" (AKA: supply store) earlier that morning. I asked the students to look in the mirrors and practice making their faces of different emotions.


I asked the students to pair up, and then passed out paper & black markers. The students folded their paper into quarters, and took turns modeling an expression & drawing, switching roles with eachother back & forth.


I think the class enjoyed this lesson and I love these photos of the kids practicing their different facial expressions.

1 comment:

ak said...

Excellent photos and stories. Keep writing! Looks like you're having an amazing time.